Not Your Mother's Hysterectomy: Learn About the Benefits of our Robotic-Assisted Surgery

Not Your Mother's Hysterectomy: Learn About the Benefits of our Robotic-Assisted Surgery

Have you recently had a gynecologic cancer diagnosis? Have you not had much success with non-surgical treatment options? Perhaps you’ve suffered non-cancerous issues such as endometriosis, abnormal bleeding, or polyps. If your uterus has caused you more problems than it’s worth, you may want to consider a hysterectomy.

Dr. Dele Ogunleye and his staff at Advanced Women’s Healthcare in Bloomington, Illinois, can help you decide if this option is medically right for you. We use an innovative new approach to surgery that involves robotic assistance, which has more precise results than traditional surgery.

How to know if you need a hysterectomy

Hysterectomies are typically the last choice for treatment, given how invasive the procedure is, and because it guarantees the end of your fertility. However, it’s sometimes a necessary procedure when others don’t work. Some conditions that may require a hysterectomy include

Uterine fibroids

This is when growths (typically non-cancerous) form in your uterine muscles.


This is a condition in which your uterine lining melds with the layers of muscle in your uterus.

Uterine cancer

If surgery to remove cancerous growths and chemotherapy are unsuccessful, a complete hysterectomy is the best way to ensure that the cancer does not come back.

Any other conditions that cause excessive pelvic pain, cramping, or bleeding may also make you a contender for a hysterectomy. After describing your symptoms to Dr. Ogunleye, a thorough evaluation and medical history assessment will determine the next course of treatment.

How robotic surgery works

Advanced Women’s Healthcare uses a system called da Vinci, which is a minimally invasive form of surgery involving robotic assistance. This system involves finger controls, in which robotic arms hold surgical tools, making the process much easier on the surgeons.

Robotic-assisted surgery provides the surgeon with greater flexibility and control by using a 3D view. This process is more precise than human hands alone, as the robotic arms are small enough to more effectively work in your body’s tightest areas.

The recovery time involves less pain, and you will return to your normal activities and lifestyle much faster than traditional abdominal surgery. However, expect to stay off your feet and get plenty of rest for the first week after your surgery.

Learn more about robotically assisted hysterectomies

If you want to learn more about hysterectomies, or are concerned you might need one, you can reach Dr. Ogunleye by calling 309-214-9371. You can also book an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.