What Is VBAC? Understanding Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

What Is VBAC? Understanding Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

Some mothers prefer to have a vaginal birth, even after they have had a cesarean. This is called VBAC or vaginal birth after cesarean. A doctor at Advanced Women's Healthcare in Bloomington, IL, will help consult you about the benefits and concerns of VBAC so that you can make an informed choice before your delivery.

About Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

A Vaginal Birth After Cesarean or VBAC is when a pregnant woman who has previously had a cesarean opts for a vaginal birth the next time. Some doctors suggest that after one cesarean procedure, the mother should have all future children that way. However, a study published by the National Center for Health Statistics showed that about 14.2 percent of women who previously had a cesarean had a vaginal birth the next time. The team of specialists at Advanced Women's Healthcare in Bloomington, IL, will evaluate your personal case and patient history to help you make the most informed and safe decision for your next delivery. 

Benefits of VBAC

A cesarean birth requires a surgical procedure and anesthesia, so there is a higher risk of complications with this method. With a vaginal birth there is normally less loss of blood and pain compared to a cesarean. Some women prefer a vaginal delivery to minimize the appearance of surgical scars over time. Also, the recovery time is generally briefer after a vaginal birth.

Additional VBAC Considerations

When a doctor makes the decision to do a cesarean it is usually due to complications that may make a vaginal birth impractical. That may include certain previously diagnosed medical issues or an unborn baby who is not facing head down for a safe vaginal delivery. There is often an increased risk that the mother will have complications arise at subsequent deliveries. Having a vaginal birth after having a cesarean may not be recommended by a gynecologist because it could put undue stress on the mother's body.

Is a VBAC Right For You?

Every pregnant woman's needs are different, which is why it's good to consult with your OBGYN about delivery options before the big day. Call (309) 808-3068 today to schedule a visit with a VBAC specialist at Advanced Women's Healthcare in Bloomington, IL.